Age of Wushu

To quote Wikipedia: “Age of Wushu is a free-to-play* 3D martial arts action MMORPG, developed by Chinese company Snail. The game revolves around the Wuxia-inspired lore surrounding martial arts and adventures in Ming Dynasty China.” (* ‘freemium’ is more accurate)

As time passed by, I’ve found myself making programs to make the gameplay more convenient for myself.

New World explorer: I made this in order to map out the possible story routes in the New World feature of the game, in order to plan out time-saving routes, solely for myself. Unfortunately, they closed down New World (for good reasons) so this tool became obsolete. Still, it did help me a lot back in the days. It’s coded in HTML, JavaScript and JQuery, using assets of the game, as well as documenting the possible questlines in XML format. It was the first Wushu helper-program I made.

Weiqi solver: Weiqi (or “Go” as it’s called in the west) is a board game invented in ancient China, thus is also present in this game. NPCs challenge you to weiqi games by presenting you with an in-session board game where you have to find a solution to a predicament. The board game is very dynamic, yet each situation has only 1 solution, often involving several steps. This thread used to have all the solutions but over time the images broke and the thread disappeared altogether, thus I had to dig into the game and extract the solutions. The result is this interactive page where you can navigate through each solution step by step.

Penglai Island treasure mapper: Penglai Island is a unique map because you can go treasure hunting 10 times per day. The only issue is that the map system of Wushu is not made for this; You’d have to input coordinates 10 times to look up their location, memorize all 10 coordinates and mentally map a route. To solve this trivial yet very annoying gameplay mechanic, I created this program. Thankfully the game uses a predetermined set of coordinates.

Chat history viewer: Age of Wushu stores all private messages locally on the player’s computer, encoded in a custom Base64 format, documented in this blog post. This tool allows you to load one of those chat log XML files to display its contents, as well as export them to a more readable format for both humans and machines, which is JSON. It’s also the first time I ever completed a project using Angular. Source.

1024: It’s the 2048 game in the style of Age of Wushu. I coded it using Angular and blogged about the process here. Source.